Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My Personal Brand

I have heard of personal branding but did not really know what it was. I have spent some of the day today looking over some personal brands by the experts, i.e. Bobbi Newman.

Judging from the information I have read, I know I need to make a plan to develop my personal brand and make some changes on my networks. I am listed on LinkedIn and Facebook. I am not completely happy with my facebook page. I have this nagging feeling my personal life and professional life should emain separate. But, I think I need to get over that.
I am very interested to hear what others think of my LinkedIn and Facebook profiles. What do I need to change or add?

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Thing 2

I have been reading some of the blogs. Many are really creative and have thoughtful posts. One person said many were like his-the bare essentials...that's me! Although I am a chatty cathy I often get too much on my plate at one time and try to get too much done. I need to slow down to take all this in! I am excited to read your blogs and to communicate with all of you. I saved the article about the things bloggers should never do. The article will be very helpful! Thank you! Linda

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


My name is Linda Nelson. I am a librarian at Scott Community College Library in Bettendorf, Iowa. I have been employed at the college since 1993 and received my master's Degree in 2008 from the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
Although I have been blogging for awhile for our library I feel as though I am a newbie at writing blogs. Through this course, I hope to become more aware of the social tools our library can use to communicate with students. The best part is getting to know all of you and sharing ideas.